Sunday, October 20, 2013

Recent Visitors

Thanks to Lief and to Layne Mitson for sharing their reptilian finds. A garter snake, adult alligator lizard and baby alligator lizard (that was found inside the school!) .They have the ability to autotomate their tail when in peril. It grows back later. 

Grade 7 Band Photos

The grade 7 band did a great job playing "Oh, Canada" for a recent school assembly. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Due dates...


Here are some due dates for the week. 

Mosaics- Friday, Oct. 18

Spelling/grammar- Friday, Oct. 18

Reminder for grade 6: please hand in your consent for immunization forms. 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Egg Drop Experiment

Many different types of landing craft made this assignment a real showcase for the great imaginations at work here. I have asked students to comment on the activity. What might they change or do differently? What did they learn about themselves?

A great job done by all. Especially Regan, Nigel and Parker, who constructed a very light and very strong aircraft. The giant sling-shot prototype didn't work properly, so we went with Plan B. Using pulleys to raise the craft to the ceiling, we were able to generate enough velocity to crack about half of the eggs.

This project was based on the idea of the mars rover mission

Monday, October 7, 2013

Spelling List #5


Here are the words for the week. Spelling/handwriting assignments will be due next Tuesday.



Thursday, October 3, 2013

Literacy Legacy Project


We are beginning the Literacy Legacy Project with our buddy class, Mrs. Mann's grade 2/3. This involves writing and designing a children's picture book that will be left in the school for future students to enjoy.

I have asked students to comment on how they think their "legacy" will benefit the school.