Friday, April 21, 2017

Earth day

I have asked students to comment about what Earth day means to them.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Peer Teaching Schedule

Peer Teaching Schedule

April 25 Kalani- Hockey Skills: To Deke or not to deke…
          26 Andrea- Famous Canadian Figure Skaters
           27 Olivia- So you think you can dance?
           28 Riley- Cartoon Geometry

May 2  Isla- Monkeys are Primates
         3  Victoria- All About Mammals
         4 Jase- Bongo’s are Best
         5 Damian- The Science of Sleep
         9 Finn- Lions and Where to Find Them
        10 Landon- Canadian Artists: Drake
        11 Gwyn- Social Studies
        12 Wyatt- Internet Safety for Kids

        16 Quinn- Ice Cream in a Bag!
        17 River-  Drumming
        18 Rhiannon- Farm Life
        19 Frances- Origami Heart
        23  Rhys- Pulse and Heart Rate
        24 Phoenix- They Mystery of Wolves
        25 Caleb- All About the Human Skeleton

        26 Brennan- Hockey Skills: The art of the dangle

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Important dates and spelling for the week

Hello. Here are the spelling words for the week. 

  1. where
  2. change
  3. watch
  4. these
  5. worth
  6. attach
  7. sandwich
  8. singer
  9. slippery
  10. spring
  11. gather
  12. thread
  13. athlete
  14. thirsty
  15. whisper
  16. whistle
  17. awhile
  18. nowhere
  19. awning
Important dates

Monday, April 3rd                  Pro D School Based
Friday, April 14th                   Good Friday
Monday, April 17th                Easter Monday
Friday, April 21st                Earth Day

May 1st                                Band Blast
May 11                                   Science fair gr. 4-7
Friday, May 12th                  Parent Appreciation Tea
Monday, May 15th                 Pro D. .5 Admin, .5 School
Wednesday, May17th         CGE Talent Show
Monday, May 22nd                 Victoria Day

May 29th- June 3rdh                        WWW
Friday, June 23rd                 Sports Day
June 21st                                Band concerts  1:00 & 6:30
June 29th                                10:45  Grade 7 Farewell