Friday, September 13, 2013

Wish List

Dear Parents and Guardians,                                    

I’m looking forward to meeting you at some point this year. We have a few local field trips in mind this year and will need a few volunteer drivers.

I have a class blog at There will be a link to the blog from the KES website.
Please check the blog regularly for updates regarding homework, events and to share in the work that your child is doing at school. I can be reached at

Mr. Bisset will be teaching the grade six math class while I teach the grade sevens.

Here is a material “wish list” for this year. If you have any of these things, or know someone who does, it would be appreciated and add to the enrichment of your child’s experience at KES this year.

Aquariums in good condition, aquarium supplies (filters, lights, stands, gravel, unwanted fish etc.) I can pick up.

Leather and leather working tools/punches.

Donations of  ¾ plywood and 1” cedar for a mosaic tile project.
A carpenter or handyman who can help to make frames for this project.
Tile and tile grout

Plants and shrubs for landscaping project “Grad Garden.”
Drought tolerant grasses and low growing shrubs and groundcovers.

Mr. P

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