Friday, May 2, 2014

Angry Kids...

I have asked the grade sevens to comment on the video "Angry Kids… Stressed out Parents. 


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1.) Self regulation is when one's self regulates.

2.) Give them 100% attention when they're naughty and give them quiet time if they don't listen.


Anonymous said...

1. self-regulation is the ability to keep yourself in check, to not lose your temper, and to keep all your actions under control counting to ten, by giving them a time out and ignoring them, and giving them your full attention.


Anonymous said...

Kids like to punch other kids and hit their parents

Anonymous said...

The kids are bad they should get a time out. fhghjdgashdjkashlkjfgklrusdhvzjgsdfklhrkughiesrshrtguvyhrilfjghlsd

Anonymous said...

I can see some children spanking their parents. I think they are learning that from their parents.


Anonymous said...

all the kids liked hitting and screaming and being loud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

dont be stressed out calm down


Anonymous said...

don't be stressed out calm down


Anonymous said...

kids should stop hitting their parents and control their anger...

Anonymous said...

the kids were annoying!!!

Anonymous said...

1. when a child learns to regulate their anger

2. not anger the kids more


Anonymous said...

those kids where turds

Anonymous said...

they eat but and be stupid the parents don't know what to do so they go to ppp to learn how to train stupid kids. FREDDY.

Anonymous said...

1 lack of self regulation is a kid hitting there parent.

2 parents can help with self regulation by giving 100% attention to there kid.

(J) VPC 10 VIPER :D (J)