Thursday, June 25, 2015

Thursday, June 25th, 2015


I have asked students to write a paragraph describing memorable moments from this year. I'm very proud of everyone and what they've accomplished this year. Best of luck in grade 7!


Anonymous said...

The best day of the year was when mr. Dirby was our substitute teacher. He was the best sub ever! We went into the forest on the trails then we went to the clearing and played infection. It was awesome! I hid with leandra the first round and i was running around the next round but i never got caught.

Anonymous said...

This year I made new friends for the first time! I remember all the embarrassing this that got out. But most of all, I remember the trip to the P.N.E. I don't know how I could forget the best day of my life! I remember the haunted house and the beast, the atmosphere EVERYTHING! I wish I could do it all over again. That was my memorial moment.


Tyler said...

So this year was awesome, we had an awesome water gun fight and i brought this huge sniper and machine gun!
In math we learned geometry, finally I've always wanted to learn it.
we also did a water ballon fight yesterday, i got hit to times.
yeah it was a great year, hope mr ponds our teacher next year in Grade 7!

diondre said...

I like the p.n.e because it was fun and when we had a water gun fiht and geometry and the math was not that hard and liked when i did basket ball it was funny.

Mr pond gave me a tank to hold my geco and his name is zipper .

bobthebuilder said...

Some memorable moments of this year were: our art projects, when we went to the Playland, when Julia Budd came, going into the forest, golf and in french class when we sang for the classes -ella

bobthebuilder#2 said...

Some memorable moment of this year were; doing art project, going to the forest, going to the PNE, playing four corner soccer, and when Julia Budd came to our class. ~{AVERY}~

Unknown said...

Caeleb said..
lots of the things we did were fun and i liked them like times with dingo and tiger and robasaursrex
and Mr. Dirby was so fun to play with and he scared meh to death

Anonymous said...

This was a good year, I learned a lot and had fun along the way. Some of my favourite memories are: Going to the Botanical Gardens, sports day, golf and camouflage in the forest. I also loved band class with Ms. liandir. I think that was my favourite part of the year. Especially when we marched on the field playing on our instruments. I am definitely looking forward to next years band class with Ms. Douglas. I had fun playing kick ball with Trent at recess and lunch time. It was funny when Kya popped the ball when it hit the fence. Altogether I had a fun school year and am looking forward to next year. I am especially looking forward to sitting on the benches. Clayton

Anonymous said...

This school year was okay but boring and annoying at times. The best part of my school year was playing manhunt with Mr. Derby and Going to the P.N.E. The worst part of the year was not being allowed on our phones. ~Stella J

Anonymous said...

One of my favourite memories of the school year 2015 was going to play land with the grade 7s and sports day was kinda fun, at sports day i hit the bucket at the water tunk and drenched a grade 7. The other things i liked about the school year was that California kick ball was fun and jack pot on the field. aboriginal day was fun too. i like the food. this year was okay-Jenna. b

Anonymous said...

play the game on spots day. and going golf. and having the water fight. and doing fine arts. and doing shashishalhem savannah

Anonymous said...

the best thing about this year was splashing Mr.pond & having miss Mathews and going to the PNE and then going to starbucks after yay and the circus Nanika.

Anonymous said...

Going to play land was awesome. It was the first time I had ever been on the Atmosphere. Aboriginal day was fun, I really enjoyed making cedar bracelets. Soaking Mr.Pond on sports day was fun he got soaked!! Ms. Leander was the best music teacher I have ever had, she didn't just teach music, she talked to us. Miss. Mathews and Kristi were great temporary teachers, they did really fun stuff with us. Getting strait A's in term 2 was awesomely amazing.
