Friday, March 3, 2017

Internet Safety

I have asked students to comment about internet safety. 


FINN said...

I now people can bully on snapchat and instagram. And some ways to keep safe are don't let people now your password.and email account

Anonymous said...

no one should be bullied on the internet. and don,t disguise yourself as someone else. the internet can be dangerous

isla said...

the internet can be dangerous. so you have to be careful.some ways to keep safe are not leaving phone numbers,your name and address. isla.

Anonymous said...

never tell some one your real name. only to your freands. never tell your mothers phone number are your fathers phone number. Victoria

Anonymous said...

never go on the internet with out parents permission. don't read strangers message. be safe. wyatt.

Anonymous said...

if a inapropryit picture or video shows up close the lid of the computer right away and tell a adult olivia

Anonymous said...

Some ways to keep safe online are: no profile pictures, don't share personal information like your address or phone number, don't chat with strangers. riley.g.

phoenix said...

don't answer a email that you don't know.shut your computer of.people can be mean.

Anonymous said...

Some ways to keep safe online are don't send pictures of yourself, don't give out personal information and close your computer if you see something inappropriate. Quinn

Anonymous said...

Some ways to keep safe on the internet are not down loading inappropriate stuff. Or being silly on the internet. kalani

Anonymous said...

Jase. Delete stuff from strangers. Don't go online with out a parent. Don't be silly.

Anonymous said...

some ways to keep safe on the internet are. Not to put your pictures. on the internet and your name. by Rhiannon

Anonymous said...

Some ways to keep safe online are not to give out personal information like your phone number or pictures of yourself, passwords. Also, let parents know if a stranger is trying to contact you. Andrea.

Anonymous said...

Rhys Some ways to keep safe on the internet are ...

not putting in your address phone number and name.

Closing your computer if you see anything you're uncomfortable with.

be careful with what you do.

Anonymous said...

some way to keep safe on the internet are not to read peoples emails. don't post dumb pictures .if you see a thing don't like shut down Landon

Anonymous said...

be safe by not saying bad words. Don't open messages or email if a stranger sends it. Brennan

Anonymous said...

Some ways to keep safe online are to never give out personal information. Damian

Unknown said...

Don't answer a random email and give out your phone number.
By: phoenix